It’s well over a month since I finished university and I have my final results back as well as my degree certificate, which was sent in the post (They are not doing graduation for Masters degree students until July 2024, which is farcical).

I said in another post that I was going to receive a distinction, and that I thought I had got 76%. This would have been great, far beyond my expectation, but I was wrong. My final mark was 78%, which is pretty unbelievable for a dyslexic, with ADHD and who knows what else.

Now, of course, I am able to look back on the work I did and view it from a different perspective and it feels like the last year is like a microcosm in between where I was as a photographer and where I want to go. The work in the first unit was about learning colour and experimenting, whilst keeping to my principles.

The work in the second unit was all about bridging 2 worlds. That of education and professional qualification, which are very different. With different aims and objectives, and to bring the project together as well as I did is both a great achievement and hugely frustrating, because I feel like I am a different photographer now, to when I started this journey and the work I want to produce at the moment is much more experimental and different.

It is less than a month before I do my great reveal and hopefully I can start showing my work properly and talk about it.