Unit 3 result

I didn’t expect to get my final unit result for a few weeks. So it was a bit of a surprise to see that the result and feedback for last unit has been posted.

When I did my BA (Hons) 22+ years ago. My best mark for anything written was 57%, where as my practical work was always in the 60s. I eventually scraped by getting a 2.2, less than 1% lower mark and I would have got a 3rd. Back then, I had a lot of issues, I had no confidence in myself, I found it hard to work with others and I was of course, terrible at writing. None of this was helped by the University, due to the lack of facilities ,excess of students and having a completely useless dissertation tutor. So I really felt that I had messed up and that I hadn’t achieved what I wanted to achieve.

I have explained my previous results in other posts. I had a 66% and 68% in my first unit (giving an average of 67%), in my second unit my result was 76%. I had calculated what mark I needed to get a distinction 67%.

I got 85%. That was not what I expected. It was so beyond what I expected that I had to go back later and double check my mark, just to make sure I hadn’t misread to result.

So, the good news is I definitely have a distinction and it works out that my final mark is 76% overall. This is not a result I had expected, when I started the course. I knew with my experience, I could probably get a Merit, but I thought I would get a final result of around 60-63% at best.

I am just shocked and have been since I got the result. It really hasn’t sunk in. I have a Masters degree and the top mark possible for that Masters.

Life holds many surprises.

Michael LaingComment